Know everything about
Avant toutes choses, il faut savoir que nous ne sommes pas égaux en termes de blancheur dentaire. La couleur naturelle des dents varie pour chacun d'entre nous et évolue avec le temps.
What can be done to beat bad breath during the day?
If you are worried about how your breath smells and you cannot brush your teeth:
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How can you tell if you have bad breath?
Some of us have an obsessive fear that we have bad breath, which may or may not be the case.
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What is halitophobia?
Many people are convinced, mistakenly, that they have bad breath.
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#Did you know
It is estimated that 20% of the population suffers from bad breath. In 90% of cases, this is due to gum or tooth problems.
#Did you know
It only takes 48 hours without brushing your teeth for dental plaque to solidify and become more difficult to remove! So grab your toothbrush!
How should dentures be cleaned?
How should you brush your tongue?
Why resign yourself to bad breath?
My programFresh breath
Tackle the sources of bad breath, such as tartar, neglected interdental spaces and coated tongue: find a solution to every cause.