How should you brush your tongue?
The taste buds and textures on the surface of the tongue encourage the accumulation of dead cells and bacteria. When these bacteria digest proteins, they produce volatile sulphur compounds that cause bad breath.
How should you brush your tongue?
- Stick your tongue out as far as possible.
- Use a tongue scraper, which enables you to remove most of the layer of dead cells before brushing.
- Using a toothbrush with soft bristles, brush the tongue, from the back to the front, to remove any white film covering it.
- If brushing your tongue like this makes you retch, closing your eyes can help. After a few days, this reaction wears off.
- Before brushing, you can soak your toothbrush in a mouthwash solution.
It is preferable to brush your tongue twice a day, after meals in the morning and evening.
Fresh breath
Tackle the sources of bad breath, such as tartar, neglected interdental spaces and coated tongue: find a solution to every cause.
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