Sticky foods stay on and between the teeth for longer and so are more likely to invite dental...Read all the answersCan you remove tartar by yourself?
No! Only the dentist can remove tartar, which is a build-up of solidified and mineralised dental plaque. They can use manual instruments or an ultrasonic scaler.
Consult your dentist twice a year, even if you consider your teeth to be ‘clean’. Tartar is often hidden away in areas that you cannot see in the mirror.
However, it is recommended that you use a suitable toothpaste.
For further information
Is certain food more conducive to a build-up of dental plaque?
What brushing technique should be used to fight plaque?
To be effective, without damaging the enamel or injuring the gums, brush in a circular motion,...Read all the answers -
If you have sensitive teeth, can you brush your teeth less often?
Absolutely not, quite the opposite! Flawless oral hygiene will reduce dentine hypersensitivity and...Read all the answers